Using yarn v2 berry with create-react-app

June 23, 20202 min read

Today I decided to try out the new yarn berry version (v2) with create-react-app and couldn't find any material to get started, so I hope this guide will help you if you are planning to use the new yarn version with CRA :). This shows how to get started with a new app but you can follow the same steps with an already existing app.

You will need to install yarn if it's not yet installed on your machine. npm install -g yarn

Creating the app

First, let's create a create-react-app application with typescript (typescript is optional).

npx create-react-app my-app --template typescript
cd my-app

Migrating to yarn berry

Yarn berry no longer uses the node_modules folder so we need to delete it. To read more about this, take a look at yarn documentation regarding Plug'n'Play

rm -rf node_modules

We need to tell yarn that we want to use berry for this project.

yarn set version berry

Now let's install our dependencies with the new yarn version.

yarn install

After this step, you will notice that a new .yarn folder and .yarnrc.yml file were created. To see more information on the role of every folder, take a look at this issue.

We don't want to commit the yarn cache files, let's add the following lines to our .gitignore file.


That's it, yarn berry is now configured for our project. Run yarn start to start the app in development mode. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

You should see the following screenshot 🎉.

Create react app

You might notice that VSCode (or other editors) does not resolve the third party dependencies typescript types (such as react). In order to setup your editor follow the yarn documentation.